Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Welcome Wagon and a Great Guild!

Hi guys, Today is Thursday Guild updates and Dungeon runs. Lately in my new guild Vagrants in Staghelm been really fun, but Tuesday night I was not feeling well so I only spent to join them in killing 3 bosses and logged off, I was thankful they understand me. So far running Dungeon this week was exhausting for me, I was getting tired of running it. not to brag but I have total of 4390 Valor tokens, 4000 justice points and I don't pvp to even buy gears for it. So pretty much its stack there. I know there are some BoE items that I could sell but the economy right now with the Valor BoE items is not really much now a days because of the new dungeon Zul Aman and Zul Gurub that has equivalent value for item level 357.

But anyway, besides being in my new guild and raiding with them, they actually decided to promote me to officer yesterday. I guess I need to step up my game and get back my energy to help the guild more. I haven't been fishing lately for our Seafood Magnifique Feast. Now that I am an officer, I wish I can do the job well, I know just being in that position members of the guild will expect that you are good role model to them. and execute how to play my class as well. But everyone is not perfect including myself, but I'll do my best though, So far my overall stay in the guild has been great and I am currently friendly now with my Vagrants reputation from being exalted in previous guild but its okay it will be fast to gain it back again.

I also like to Thank you Beruheals from Falling Leaves and Wings blog for Welcoming me in the community posted in Twisted Nether Welcome Wagon. Quoted original email from her below; I didn't expect someone spotted my blog! and I am very honored to be part of a great community indeed! =)
Hello Amerence!

I am Beruthiel from Falling Leaves and Wings
(  I write the Netherhood Welcome
 over at - a weekly column that spotlights and
features new, up and coming bloggers, such as yourself!  It's really a
great opportunity to be introduced to the community, and educate them a
little about both yourself and your blog!

I have recently discovered your blog, and think you are doing a great job!
 As such, I'd love to introduce you to the community and I was wondering if
you would be interested in being spotlighted in one of my upcoming columns

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

I also like to thank all the commenter's, readers, and even just visiting my blog since I started. So far it's been really fun and sharing all these great ideas and thoughts with everyone. You guys are awesome, Love you all!


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