Hi guys, Today I will also post my Day 4 of 20 days WoW Blogging challenge over at Spellbound, and it is all about My best World of Warcraft Memories. I can't tell you that I only have one memory to share because I've been playing World of Warcraft for 5yrs now and that gives you an idea that there was a lot of memories all together from expansion to another. I also had a lot of fun memories when I managed my own guild. But since there's a lot of memories to share I will make sure it will be the best ones.
- First memory, was during Burning Crusade when I managed my own guild "Death Threat" well, besides being the guild that was fun and casual why not do something memorable right? so every time me and the officers talk over vent and after guild meetings we always have to put our tabard on, I mean just tabard and no other garments, we take screenshots, and videos it was hilarious! we also walk around Ironforge with our mounts and some players starting to join us and we made a long line walking with our mounts that was really unforgettable. I actually have a video that I uploaded in wegame during one of our timestoo, and I have few more raiding fun times with pug with my guild that I post over at Christine's blog go check them out too.
- Second Memory, that I will never forget was with my guild in Eternal Sacrifice despite being in a hard core raiding guild in Khaz Modan during those times in Wrath of Lich King content, killing Ulduar bosses was fun! so while on break guild mates decided to mount up with just mammoths and take screenshots and run around Freya's room it was great! that is the first night we actually killed Freya and why not celebrate?! so we did. below is the screenshot I took with ES guild.
- Third Memory, It was during the time when I was helping my guild in Vanquish-Staghelm with the event for guild fishing derby to get the achievement "That's a Lot of Bait" the prizes was 1st prize: 10,000 gold with 3 blue gems and pet destroyer. 2nd prize was 5k and 2 blue gems, and consolation prizes was a destroyer pets. I know I hate fishing but while at it I wanted to join so I can level my fishing skills, and I am also glad to be of help for the guild since we do need the Recipe: Seafood Magnifique Feast. So, every night I make sure I can fish lots of stack for me to mail to the officer and get tallied, even though you put a lot of effort and take time to fish, I was having fun and just didn't really expect much of it important is I was helping the guild. So the derby ended and the fishes caught was tallied and I won 1st Prize! I was so happy! that was a good memory and I was able to leveled up my fishing to 525, and I was happy that some guild mates took effort to help out too. great guild effort and team work!
Anyway, that is all for now, I can't narrow all of the fun memories I had playing with Wow but the one listed above are my best ones so far. I know there will be more of it later but I will cherished them all. This is why I take screenshots to remember my World of Warcraft adventures. If you miss my other 20 days of WoW Blogging challenges please click here or check my navigation bar on top for easier access. and If your still starting to Join or curious about it check here for more details at Spellbound Blog by Saga. Have a good one guys! <3
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