Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Screenshot By Amerence #6

Hey guys, Weekly i featured screenshots from World of Warcraft and edit it to some effects using my Paint tool. mostly I always use artistic effect of Ink Sketch, besides the original Image from the game, I try to make it a little like a comic graphics, I'm not expert to any of that but this effects for me is just cool, I hope you like it too. So since today...

Monday, May 30, 2011

WoW Achievements Feeds for Blogger using Yahoo Pipes

ATTENTION: To all my readers who happen to stumble upon this post, unfortunately the yahoo pipes is having technical problems in their system. as much as I try fixing the widget and its yahoo pipe source code. It doesn't work at the moment. Right now, I apologized for the inconvenience for those who try to use this pipe. I will try my best to update it as soon...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Poll Question Review: WoW Premium Services

Hi guys, It has been talked, and discussed about WoW Premium services around the community this month, and millions of subscribers are either upset that they have to pay another feature that Blizzard wants to develop later this year and they are still working on it. Just thought to ask you Do you agree with it, Do you think this services is worth paying for? their objective...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Weekly Addon Review: Easy Mail from Cosmos

Hi guys, Weekly I featured great addons that is useful for my priest and for you guys to check it out. Today is about the Easy Mail Addon by Yarko from Cosmos. I will go ahead and share a video for you, I apologized for my english its my third language, and its my first time reviewing using a video to try out my fraps again since its been a while I wasn't able to use it. so here it is please post any suggestions and comments below. Thanks! Credits...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Birthday To my Boyfriend Sean!

Hi guys, Weekly I share random topics on Fridays and good timing for today is my boyfriend's birthday, So I will go ahead and share this poem for him. We've been together for 4yrs now. and I cherish every single day of my life when I'm with him. I love him so much! Happy Birthday Love. Mwah! Guess what!!!It’s your birthday today!!So what I have to say?Is happy happy...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Frustrations on Progression

Hi guys, another week for my wednesday dailies and achievements! Just thought to let you know what's up with my current guild and our progression. Since I joined Vagrants guild, it has been really great, we tease, laugh, socialize, raid together every week, run daily dungeons when we can and for me that is the kind of environment I chose to be with. No pressure at all, but...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Screenshot by Amerence #5

Hi guys weekly I featured screenshots that I think its interesting and add these to my compilation. Instead of keeping at what the screenshot originally is, I try to just edit it a little bit try different effects using my Paint tool. The screenshot today is the Human form of Deathwing, this was taken off one of the quest line post cataclysm. So its been in my compilation...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Poll Question Review: 4.2 WoW Hair styles

Hi guys, I apologized for missed day of posting this review yesterday due of me being sick after long day of helping out my friend throwing out a 1st birthday party for her son. So I will just going to tallied the votes of the Poll Question started Last week May 15 and it was about the 4.2 New Hair styles in World of Warcraft, I asked what other players think of it. THE...

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 15: Why did I chose My Background Desktop In my Computer?

Hi guys another day for 20 days WoW Blogging challenge by Saga over at Spellbound. Today is all about my Desktop Background Images and Why I chose it?. To explain to you why I choose these, it is obvious that I like Angels and Wings I also like anything that is Anime related to Bleach, and Like Fairies, Fantasy like creatures. I remember when I was growing up I love the movie Fern...

Friday, May 20, 2011

I am officially playing Rift!

Hi guys, every week I shared some great random or off-topics every Friday. So Today unrelated topic besides playing WoW Just a quickie post to let you know what I've been up to these days. I am officially playing Rift now too! Thanks to @Elementalgold one of my twitter friends who linked a discounted promotion half a price for a Collector's edition digital copy that...

Day 14: This upsets Me (Time is ticking You know!)

Hi guys, another day for 20 days WoW Blogging challenge by Saga at Spellbound. Today, I will share some bad experiences mostly in game that upsets me. I sometimes rant these things in twitter and some real life issues like living in a 3rd floor apartment and laundry room is in 1st floor without any elevator, you actually have to use the stairs yea that upsets me that kind...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Welcome Wagon and a Great Guild!

Hi guys, Today is Thursday Guild updates and Dungeon runs. Lately in my new guild Vagrants in Staghelm been really fun, but Tuesday night I was not feeling well so I only spent to join them in killing 3 bosses and logged off, I was thankful they understand me. So far running Dungeon this week was exhausting for me, I was getting tired of running it. not to brag but I have...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 13: People (players/bloggers) that I admire

Hi guys, another day for 20 days WoW Blogging challenge over at Spellbound, Day 13 is all about the People I admire. These are people that I looked up to, inspired by there stories and also not just related to wow blogging community or players but also real people that I consider a family and friends. I will just list it by categories as Real Life, In Game, and Bloggers. REAL...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Screenshot by Amerence #4

Heya guys, This week's Screenshot is about a Dragon. I love Borean Tundra and these past week I've been exploring a lot so here is one screenshot I like to share to you using my Paint with Ink Sketch design. So thought would be neat to take a shot. so I did. Here is the results, hope you guys like it. Click the Image to Enlarge! Thank...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Poll Question Review: What do you think of the Priest Tier 12 set bonus?

Hi guys, The Poll is Ended. My Review of last week Poll Question was all about the Priest Tier 12 set bonus for Healer and Shadow 2pc and 4pc. This Poll has nothing to do with the new changes made last 2 days ago, because I didn't expect the changes coming. So I will just go ahead and tallied the votes what other priest thought about it my question. I will also post here the...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dotdododotdot..dot...dot... Dotimer?

Hi guys, another day for exciting Addon review this week, As a shadow priest and being an addon junkie, I always try out some addons that will help my priest in game especially when I raid. This week I will review about Dotimer, this is an in-game mod, pretty standard and popular for all shadow priests and even other classes out there, but for some players it's just an optional...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 12: A usual day in my life/online time.

Hi guys, another day for 20 days WoW Blogging challenge over at Spellbound, I apologized for missing Day 12 post but here I am coming back to catch up. Today I will share about my usual day in my life or my online time. My usual days are not as good as others. Working overnights is not healthy in my opinion, My Sleeping routine is messed up. and I only eat once a day but...

Blogger is Back, I hope so!

Hello guys, Today's Friday random post, is all about Blogger. Blogger authors was frustrated since Wednesday night, we we're having problems of not able to post anything, and can't logged on our dashboard. Everyone is curious what's wrong? This is what happened stated on Today's blogger buzz. "Here’s what happened: during scheduled maintenance work Wednesday night,...

GoodBye Vanquish, Hello Vagrants!

Hi guys, As everyone noticed Blogger was having problems and they did a huge maintenance since 20.5 hours ago, and that's one of the reason why I wasn't able to post anything. But to caught up on things I like to share to you that I left my previous guild Vanquish in Staghelm server, The reason was not that I hate anyone in the guild but I just chose to be in a 10 man environment with Vagrants guild. I applied in Vanquish to be a raider and raided...