Hi guys, Another day of Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge by Saz at World of Saz blog. Today it's all about my greatest accomplishment in game. Saz asks "Proud of a boss kill? Excited about taming that rare? Over the moon about getting a title? Show us your greatest in game accomplishment!" I have a lot of great accomplishments in game that includes being able to raid with first server guilds, completing the exploration achievement, the first prize guild fishing derby when I won 10,000gold, destroyer pet and 3 blue gems. Killing ICC boss including Lich King and of course having to raid or play with great friends and my boyfriend in game. But the most memorable accomplishment in game that I gotta say we did a very good "Team Work" was...
The Fourth Challenge: Greatest Accomplishment
Yes, From Hell's Heart I Stab at Thee. We killed him on December 15, 2010. It was really fun, great team work from my previous guild Vanquish, I remember when our tank was having trouble staying alive even though we healed him with everything we could and it was so hard to kite the whale shark but we managed and conquered it, the feeling of that moment after we killed it, even though we know we don't get any loot from it but just to be able to enjoy, have fun and kill the Shark was really good.
Hi guys, thought to let you know too that if you Click the Image, You can Enlarge it and see it better. thanks for reading, Hope you like the Screen shots =D