Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 18: My Favorite Outfit in game

Hi guys, another day of challenge for 20 Days of WoW Blogging Challenge by Saga at Spellbound. Today is about My favorite outfit in game. I know there are a lot to mention and as much as I want to list them all here, I will just be choosing few items that I love most . Hope you like them too!

The Robes of Insight is one of my Favorite outfit in game. I know that this is very popular robe in low level category and the reason I always kept it because someone gave this robe to me in a gift box on my birthday 3yrs ago. Someone who I missed in my old server and he was so thoughtful to gave me this & back then this robe was actually expensive. So for me it was special. I really love this robe, the style and the sexiness of it.

Besides the Robe I also love the Priest Tier 6 set, as I mentioned this on my >Day 5: My Favorite Items in game. I also like the PvP set of Season 1,2 and 3. Image courtesy of I used to PvP and grind BG reputation a lot before Wrath of Lich king came out, it was fun days. But I decide to focus on PvE side because I love raiding more than pvping.

Anyway, I just want this to be a quickie post I chose these outfit mentioned above because they have reminded of my past memories while playing in Burning Crusade with friends, I do hope in the future that Blizzard can come up with some more interesting outfits in game, maybe some glitter effect, and luminous style that would be interesting to see. Anyway, If you missed my previous Days challenge please check it out here. and for those who still willing to join the 20 days WoW Blogging challenge by Saga at Spellbound check here. Thanks guys and Have a good one!


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