Monday, June 27, 2011

Random Updates: Real Life vs Gaming

This is what I feel right now! lolx Hi guys, I just thought to let you know that I haven't been online in game lately because of things I need to take care of before I will come back raiding again with my guild Vagrants. After my move back here in California, I had to update a lot of stuff my driver's license, verification of my car, hunting for jobs as I am actually starting...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Out and About

Hi guys, Sorry this is not a WoW related blog post. But just thought to let you know that I can't access my computer right now I will be travelling back to California with my Dad for a whole day Road Trip from Iowa to Sacramento,California. I know it may sound like it will be too tiring to drive but, Dad and I are planning to drop by in some great places like Grand Canyon...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 10: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hi guys, Another Screenshot challenge by Saz at World of Saz. Today is all about My WoW Crew! This challenge made it easier for me, I know I just joined my current guild Vagrants last month, but It's like I know these people for years now. Since I started filling in the spot to raid with them regularly every Tue and Wed last 3 months ago, even though I was in different guild...

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 9: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hi Everyone, Today is another day of Screenshot Challenge by Saz at World of Saz. It is about My Character's Home Town, this is not just about any home town but it is about where my human character in game actually hail from. As we all questing, if you actually read each of them, there are stories behind all of it. Before Stormwind, The Lordaeron was once the great capital...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 8: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hi guys, Another day of Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge by Saz at World of Saz Blog. Today's challenge is about a Vacation spot. This challenge made it easy for me. Last 2 weeks ago I actually put up a screen shot of Day 17 My favorite spot in game or out from 20 days of Challenge by Saga. And since It's summer it just fit the location if Azeroth...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 7: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hi guys, Another day of Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge by Saz at World of Saz Blog. Today's challenge is all about the Best Screen Shot of the Year. I know I have a few favorites but since we need to entitled it as the best I will share only 1 Screenshot, but honestly I was hoping that today's challenge would have been the last one, So I can still...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Shared Topic: The Consequences of Death in an MMO

Hi guys, This week Blog Azeroth Shared Topic is brought to you by Sharden over at 15 Minutes of WoW Blog. Sharden asks: "How do you think dying in an MMO should affect the characters? In WoW we have a relatively insignificant repair cost from durability for a PVE death and no consequence for dying to another player. Do you think this is enough, too much, or needing improvement?...

Day 6: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hi guys, Another day for Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge by Saz at World of Saz Blog. Today, it's something about A Favorite Line of Poetry/Lyric that inspires me. I apologized in advance I really don't have any favorites as sometimes I don't understand poetry. But I'll try my best to share this one for you, I hope it's not too bright and make you...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 5: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hi guys, Another day for Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge by Saz of World of Saz blog. Today, it's about My title of choice. I never get a chance to actually grind a lot of reputations and do all the quests to get many titles, and I never PvP either. But I have only have these titles that I am proud to have Assistant Professor, Champion of the Frozen...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Shared Topic: What Keeps Me coming back to play WoW?

Hi guys, Thought I share my point of views on Why I keep coming back to play WoW? This is a Shared Topic idea by Ringo Flinthammer over at Blog Azeroth. I hope I will just catch up on time for this week. Ringo asks: "Despite a well-publicized dip in subscriber numbers, most WoW players have stuck around. But those folks didn't leave for no reason, so what keeps you coming back and still playing? Is it the friends? The new content? Old content...

Day 4: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hi guys, Another day of Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge by Saz at World of Saz blog. Today it's all about my greatest accomplishment in game. Saz asks "Proud of a boss kill? Excited about taming that rare? Over the moon about getting a title? Show us your greatest in game accomplishment!" I have a lot of great accomplishments in game that includes...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 3: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hi guys, another day of Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots challenge by Saz at World of Saz. Today is something that will represent me, who I am either in Outlands/Azeroth or Real life. This will definitely relate me as being a Health care provider. As I was a former member of Vanquish guild, I cherish all the memories with them because of all the guild I've...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 2: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 Days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hello Guys, Today is Day 2 of Saz's Screenshot Challenge. If you want to Join the fun and share your Screen shots with us Please for more details read up the Instructions at World of Saz blog. It's great to join this kind of challenges with the community, It brings back memories and its fun. So hope my screen shots shared here will brighten up your day. All Images presented...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 1: Saz's Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge

Hi guys, Guess what? There is another challenge going around the community, and its the Through Your Interface - 15 days of Screen Shots Challenge by Saz at World of Saz blog. It was a brilliant idea as she was inspired of the 20 days of Meme by Saga. For more details check out her blog and Join us! It's going to be full of magic, great scenery, remembering a great story behind...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Screenshot by Amerence #7

Hi guys! Another day for Screenshot of the day. Weekly, I share screenshot in game that really interest me and using my tool I try to put some effects that differs a little bit from the original picture. All shown Images here are from World of Warcraft. Today I used a little bit of Ink Sketch and Smooth Sepia to capture the lightning...

Day 20: If this was my last day playing WoW, What would I do?

Hi guys, Today is the last day of my 20 days WoW Blogging challenge by Saga at Spellbound. Saga is curious to know that if today was my last day playing WoW, What would I do? First of, I just want you to know that I will miss this challenge! I never thought I would also get good amount of page views and hits just by participating, I totally enjoyed it. Thank you Miss Saga! As to reply your question, I know it is kinda difficult to assume if today...

Amerence's Daily Adventures will be Posponed!

Hi guys, Just thought to let you know that Amerence Love WoW Daily Adventures will be postponed on June 22, 2011. There are few things that I have to do within this 2 weeks time. But as soon I get settled after my move to California I promise to give you more updates and will go back to my routine.  The reason I wasn't able to post anything too is because my guild is currently lacking of members to raid and every night since Tue...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 19: In my Bags and Bank Items

Hi guys, another day of challenge for 20 days of WoW Blogging by Saga at Spellbound. Today its about My Bank and Bag items. It's nothing to get excited about because most of the items in my bank are very unorganized. but as proof to my negligence on my alts and for not logging on regularly this is what you see from my bank and bag items of my Rogue, Priest, Death Knight,...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 18: My Favorite Outfit in game

Hi guys, another day of challenge for 20 Days of WoW Blogging Challenge by Saga at Spellbound. Today is about My favorite outfit in game. I know there are a lot to mention and as much as I want to list them all here, I will just be choosing few items that I love most . Hope you like them too! The Robe of Insight is one of my Favorite outfit in game. I know that this...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 17: My favorite spot (in game or outside it)

Hi guys, another day of 20 days WoW Blogging challenge by Saga at Spellbound Blog. Today it's about My favorite spot in game for Day 17. Honestly, there's a lot of great spots in the game that I love. But the most favorite spot is in Gadgetzan in Tanaris, The Blue sea, white sand, clear skies, corals and palm trees just remind me of the beautiful beaches back home in my home...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 16: Things I missed (post Cataclysm)

World of Warcraft Map Hi guys, Its been a week that I missed of posting the Saga 20 days of Challenge, been really busy lately and besides me having to pack things for my move to California, I just don't want to post anything that is very off-topic, or just wasn't in the mood to do it, I want to concentrate when I blog and focus what I share to you guys. this week is been...