Hi guys, guess what! another screenshot challenge going on around the community right now. I know February is a short month so less obligation and its really a great idea to post one screenshot a day per the categories listed here by Tycertank of Toonacious blog. Please refer to her blog for more information and check on other bloggers who participated too. Im looking forward to also see what other bloggers screenshot will be beside this site of mine I will also post in my other blog over at Amerpriest Blog so check me out there too! Thanks!
So what are you waiting for! Join us and post your great screenshots daily! Please don't forget to subscribe my feeds for latest updates and Like my facebook and you can reach me in twitter via @amerpriest Thanks!
Just so everyone knows! the category theme for number 10 is "I am..." tycer apologizes that she forgot to post it with the original photo above. Thanks!