Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 2: Why you decided to start a blog?

Hey guys, Today is second day of the 20 days of WoW Blogging challenge over at Spellbound. and I am excited to share my side of story of Why I decided to start a blog? well, I can tell you that I dislike talking in trade chat, and all the trolls talking non sense, but there are some players that really talk some interesting stuff and out of curiosity, if they are talking...

The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton

Hi guys, Today's random topic is The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. A lot of people are curious where we can watch the live stream and full coverage of the couple wedding ceremony and after wedding footage. You can watch the live stream now over at AP livestream. I just want to add that while watching, I really like Kate Middleton's wedding dress has...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 1: Introducing Amerence the Priest!

Hi guys, I stumble upon Spellbound's blog and read about what she proposed the 20 days of WoW Blogging Challenge. It was interesting enough that seeing all the pingbacks and comments from other bloggers, I immediately commented without hesitation and decided to join. I like these challenges its entertaining and fun. So today, Day 1 it is all about Introducing yourself,...

Thursday Updates on Guild Progression

Hi guys! another day, another post! today is Thursday for Guild updates. My guild over at Staghelm server, Vanquish has been around since vanilla days. I joined the guild roughly around October of 2010, but after 2 months being in the guild I decided to be in social status because I am focused in school and I don't want to put too much time playing at that time....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Patch 4.1 Zul'Gurub Achievement Run and Dailies!

Hello guys! another day, another post and its Wednesday that means its Dailies and Achievements today! as my usual routine I do my dailies for cooking, fishing, and Cataclysm reputation (I know I am exalted to all of them but good money is still profit!) though I also did the new Zul'Gurub daily and dungeon quests. Since it was Tuesday I ask guild if they want to run the heroic daily with the new dungeons, 2 of my guild mates wants to go, since Patch...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Screenshot by Amerence #1

Hello guys! another day, another post! and its Tuesday which means its a screenshot day, I was flying around Stormwind, and since we just celebrated Easter yesterday thought to post something to symbolized a church. so I took a screenshot of the Stormwind Cathedral, this structure is magnificent, and I love the fountain just outside of the building. this is also considered...

My Plans for my Blog

Hey guys! another day, another post I just like to share to everyone what my plans would be for this blog, I know there are lots of things to talk about especially about my priest Amerence. Here are my list of things to do daily, I know some of you might think I am crazy posting something everyday but I will try my best to deliver all my thoughts and experiences to you, because this is why I love playing World of Warcraft its a hobby of mine and...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi guys, Welcome to Amerence Love WoW blog site! This blog will focus on talking about my Priest  daily adventures in game (This was changed talking about Community events and Blog azeroth shared topic events) which includes my leveling, professions, achievements, exploring, guild progression, raiding, screenshots, dailies, talent spec, gears, world events, addons, interface and general reviews about the priest class in game. Sharing...