Saturday, February 22, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: Throwback Expansion

Hi guys just thought to announce that this week its shared topic idea was from yourstruly it's all about Throwback expansion from Feb 22-28. I asked, I know we heard the word "Throwback" many times around the net, but as part of World of Warcraft expansions. I want to know what is the best expansion in game that really highlights a lot of your accomplishments in game...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: Background Music

Hi guys, this week shared topic idea over at Blog Azeroth forums is hosted by yourstruly, I just thought to share this topic for all WoW players out there. Anybody can join and post there opinions about it. The shared topic is schedule for February 8-14th of this year. So here's what I asked for everyone. "I know that the World of Warcraft game has its own music to play...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

#WoWscreenshotaday February of 2014 by Tycertank

Hi guys, guess what! another screenshot challenge going on around the community right now. I know February is a short month so less obligation and its really a great idea to post one screenshot a day per the categories listed here by Tycertank of Toonacious blog. Please refer to her blog for more information and check on other bloggers who participated too. Im looking forward...