Sunday, January 26, 2014

Shared topic: Mog the World in 80 days!

Hi guys, just thought to share this new interesting idea by Dragonray over at Azerothian Life.  also hosted by Blog Azeroth forums. Its all about transmogrification..and the title of this topic is   "Mog the World in 80 days! - "It is a celebration of independence!! Freedom even!!  For the next 12 weeks you will celebrate the National days of...

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Random Thoughts on Anime related to MMORPG

Hi guys, How' it going? I just thought to share what I've been up to lately which one of them was watching an anime during my past time. I love watching them, there's always a story and things I can learn from it which I always related to in playing World of Warcraft. I enjoy reading the manga novels as well. For all those who don't understand some of the terms i used here...

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Shared Topic: My Mountable Mounts

Hi guys, another week of shared topic idea brought to you by Blog azeroth Forums and Dragonray of Azerothian Life. Dragon surely brought a really fun topic this week for WoW bloggers out there to share there views on there favorites mounts in game. From grinding, collectibles, reputation mounts you name it. Since Burning crusade expansion pretty sure we have collected a...

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Shared Topic: Oaths

Hi Everyone, its been a while I have not post a shared topic for Blog azeroth since October of 2012, so pretty much its been more than a year. Anyway, this new shared topic idea was a great contribution by Mataoka of Sugar and Blood blog this shared topic started Jan 4, 2014 - January 10, 2014 if you haven't joined yet please visit and refer his topic through Blog...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year y'all!

Hi everyone! I just want to wish every household out there, every gamer, every hard working parents, military men and women, children, and all people around the world a very Happy Prosperous New Year of 2014!  2013, was a great year but the calamities we seen happened around the world and our community it changes how we see things and realized that every second,...