Wednesday, November 30, 2011

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: Well of Eternity (50/50)

Hi guys, This is my tenth and last post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate. The objectives of this challenge is to post 50 Images before the month of November is over and that day is today I made it (well, sort of!). Today I will share to you some random screen shots I took from last...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: Hour of Twilight (45/50)

Hi guys, This is my ninth post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate. The objectives of this challenge is to post 50 Images before the month of November is over, and I am one more set to go and I will be done!. Today I will share to you the highlights of today's raid and Hour of Twilight...

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Winners of Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event 2011 Are!

Click the Banner to BA Event Page! Hey guys, I know the anticipation was killing you, so the day has come to announce the winners of our Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event Year 2011! Just mind you, YOU ARE ALL WINNERS for me, and this was a super successful event! I was overwhelmed and happy how many fellow bloggers participated, be willing to let someone host this event...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: Ragnarok Online (40/50)

Hi guys, This is my eight post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate. The objectives of this challenge is to post 50 Images before the month of November is over. Today I will share to you some random pics of my first RPG (Ragnarok Online) I played with my ex-boyfriend (the boyfriend who...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: My Priest Amer (35/50)

Hi guys, This is my seventh post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate. The objectives of this challenge is to post 50 Images before the month of November is over. Today I will share to you some random pics I had fun with my priest, taking these shots was difficult because my monitor screen...

Friday, November 25, 2011

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: The Outgrowth (30/50)

Hi guys, This is my sixth post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate. The objectives of this challenge is to post 50 Images before the month of November is over. Today I will share to you The Outgrowth, near Northern Barrens and Ratchet. I choose to share this beautiful, green grass, trees...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: Boats (25/50)

Hi guys, This is my fifth post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate. The objectives of this challenge is to post 50 Images before the month of November is over. Today I will share to you the wonderful and colorful boats around  each continent from azeroth, nothrend and kalimdor,...

Saturday, November 19, 2011

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: Stranglethorn (20/50)

Hi guys, This is my fourth post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate. The objectives of this challenge is to post 50 Images before the month of November is over, So hopefully I will be able to get this challenge done on time. Today I will share to you the Cape of Stranglethorn, I remember...

Friday, November 18, 2011

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: Southern Barrens (15/50)

Hi guys, This is my third post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate. The objectives of this challenge is to post 50 Images before the month of November is over. Today I will share to you The Southern Barrens, I love the land,  mountains, animals and the peaceful nature of this place...

Thursday, November 17, 2011

White Ribbon: Please Support TGQ!

[Trigger warning on links for discussion of rape, violent assault, self-harm] Hi guys, This response is to support Alyzande of TGQ (The Gold Queen blogger). It's been a heated discussion around the community and twitter-sphere about Aly's personal struggle against rape/sexual abuse that for the first time she opened up publicly in her blog about what happened to...

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: Ironforge (10/50)

Hi guys, This is my second post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate. The objectives of this challenge is to post 50 Images before the month of November is over, So hopefully I will be able to get this challenge done on time. Today I will share to you the Great Ironforge City of Dwarves,...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

IntPiPoMo 50 Screen Shot Challenge: Stormwind (5/50)

Hi guys, This is my first post for the IntPiPoMo (International Picture Posting Month) 50 Screen shot Challenge, hosted by Angelya at Revive & Rejuvinate, I will try to attempt to have some theme to what I post daily for this, Today I will start of with Stormwind and follow up just about any places around Azeroth, and other continents of World of Warcraft. The objectives...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Shared Topic: Bring Back the Changes...

Hi guys, This week's Shared Topic over at Blog Azeroth is brought to you by Mia at Chronicles of Mia. The list of things that I will share here are changes that I like to bring back. So hopefully it will recall your memories that somehow it was fun having them before. Especially when I started playing during Burning crusade and up to this recent expansion. I will call these The Triple P changes and I think these changes are Permanentl...

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event 2011!

Hi guys! The Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event 2011 is now OPEN, closing of entries is on Nov. 26, 2011 and drawing date is on Nov.28, 2011. I definitely welcome any fellow bloggers out there to join! Blog Azeroth is excited to announce that this year we are celebrating a Thanksgiving event and give away great prizes sponsored by yours truly, I thought of this idea because...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Shared Topic: Dear Pandaren, What class should I role?

Hi guys! This week's Shared Topic Idea is brought to you by Yourstruly over at Blog Azeroth for Nov.7-13, 2011. Just thought to share this idea about knowing What class are you playing with the new race Pandaren on the new upcoming expansion (Mists of Pandaria)?. I know most players are excited to role as a Monk, but there are lots of options to choose from, Are you going to be a Pandaren healer, melee, caster dps or a tank? Please share your t...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gears, Guild, Raid and More!

Hi guys, I know it's been a week since I came back to gaming and blogging. Just thought to share that my first week raiding with my guild Vagrants in Staghelm server was okay. At first I thought since it's Tuesday I might not able to get a spot to raid with them but I did. We cleared the bosses up until Ragnaros, of course as I learned the mechanics of the fight while watching all the Tankspot videos, still I have to ask our raid leader to give...