Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Shared Topic: What In WoW reminds me of Home?

Hi guys, Sorry i posted mine before the day expired.. the Bi-weekly Shared topic @BlogAzeroth was brought to you by Syrco Owl. This topic is fun, but the idea was similar to the one I already posted before on the 20 days challenge so much that its about same concept, but It was more specified towards whats my favorite spot in game.  Anyway, That being said....

Monday, July 7, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: Boosted Toon

Haha! Better late than never? Well, I will just make this short post...My thoughts on this Shared Topic is about the Boosted toon, I used my free one and boosted my Troll druid and i had fun playing with her also one reason for that is to be able to raid with my co bloggers around the community on horde side with OLRG group that runs every Saturday, lately i have not been...