Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Happy 3 years of Blogging Amer!

I can't believed it! that It's been that long, 3 years?! O.M.G! haha...Days passed, and Years gone by Amerence Love WoW was just a tiny little blog who doesn't even know anyone in the community and doesn't know anything about blogging yet, But I survived! It's been 3 years since my very first post to Welcome the community to check out my blog. I started this...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: Timeless Isle

Hi folks! Just to let everyone know that our Blog Azeroth Shared Topic Ideas are now bi-weekly, so for those who still like to join this 2 weeks of fun topic, Timeless isle brought to you by yourstruly deadline is on April 12. Please join us and share your thoughts! As for my reply to this topic, I posted it on my other blog at AmerPriest Blog, I ttitled it "The...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#WoW30 Challenge for April 2014!

Well, Greetings adventurers! I just thought to share that there is another 30 days challenge going on around the community. I like to share that anyone can join the fun. This was originally posted at Tumblr by Meat Vendor's 30 days WoW Challenge a month ago. And anyone who did read this or saw it will be nice to share it to the community and its a really neat straight...