Monday, March 31, 2014

The Leibster Awards You and I!

“For those of you who do not know what this Liebster thing is all about: The Liebster Award is a small token of appreciation given to bloggers for doing what they do best and also a way for bloggers to learn about other bloggers. We are all connected in the great circle of… blogging!”- via MrandMrsWoW Surprise surprise! I love surprises, I know the Leibster Awards...

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: Questing with your alts!

HI guys, First of the shared topic ideas are now bi-weekly. We wanted to share the topics more to bloggers who like to share there thoughts as 1 week seems to be too short. So we like to invite bloggers out there to participate and have fun! You can also share any idea for us to talk about.  From week March 15-28, was contributed by Dragonray of Azerothian Life...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: My Most Memorable Boss Kill

Hi guys, this shared topic idea was brought to you by dragonray of Azerothian Life, it seems like its been back and forth between me and her sharing topics every week lately, Please I do encourage all bloggers out there to join and share any topics you think we can discuss around the community, just please go to Blog Azeroth Forums for more info.  Anyway, this week's...