Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Hi I just want to extend my Christmas greetings to everyone out there. Here's my screenshot pic I took while in game in year 2011 thought i could recycle it with my transmogrification of Tier 5 items. Happy Holidays everyone! Be safe! and God Bless always! ...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

#FFW Furtive Father Winter 2013

Hi guys! Another year for an exciting event coming for you in cooperation with all the bloggers out there. Akabeko from Red Cow Rise blog will be hosting the 5th annual Blog Azeroth #FFW 2013. I am just helping aka to promote the event for anyone who would like to participate. For more details please visit aka's blog on links provided here.  As far as instructions,...

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog Azeroth Thanksgiving Event 2013

Hi guys, How's it going? Thanksgiving is just around the corner. It's been a year since we did our Thanksgiving event last year. This year its open again for every bloggers out there to participate. Old or New comers are welcome to join the fun. As usual I will be hosting this event together with Blog Azeroth Forums. Based to our previous events since I started it back...

Friday, January 25, 2013

My #FFW Gift, Better Late than Never!

Hi guys, I apologized for unable to update my blog for quiet sometime now as usual been busy with work and moving from one place to another. Anyway, to make up for it though it's late... the Furtive Father Winter hosted by Akabeko of Red Cow Rise Blog and also sponsored by Blog Azeroth is still alive. And the gifts that I received from my secret santa and a very...