Monday, October 31, 2011

Highlights of my Hallow End's Event

Happy Trick or Treating guys, Today is the last day of the Hallow's End event in World of Warcraft. Hope you enjoyed doing all the achievements and killing the Horseman in Scarlet Monastery and farm to possibly get the Horseman's Mount. Getting all my Hallow's End achievements was fun and got my title Hallowed Be Thy Name. So I have some screen shots here to share for...

Friday, October 28, 2011

My Guild Made the Panda Sad

A month being away from my keyboard and raiding in game it seems like it's been a year since I last logged in. I talked to my guild master about our recent guild progression and She said that everything was great and our guild actually finished the normal mode of Firelands on farm mostly every week. I am happy to know that everything was fine. They are pretty much geared...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Shared Topic: Mists of Pandaria Reactions

Hi guys, this week's Shared Topic Idea over at Blog Azeroth is brought to you by Akabeko from Redcowrise blog. Everyone is talking about the new upcoming expansion Mists of Pandaria, it is a new continent that Azeroth yet to be revealed, the expansion's release prediction might be sometime in 2012 summer/winter. When I first saw the official video of the expansion I got excited because of the new race pandaren and new class monk, besides that a...

Shared Topic: What are your guild's tradition?

Hi guys! This week's Shared Topic over at Blog Azeroth was suggested by Tzufit at Tree Heals go Woosh. I know it's been a month since I last participated and technically yesterday is the last day of this week's shared topic. I like to catch up and share my guild's tradition from my own guild 4yrs ago. I was the Guild Master of Death Threat in Khaz Modan server then, The guild was a fun and a casual raiding environmen...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I am Back and Excited!

Hi guys! I missed you all! I know I took a break from blogging and gaming for a month but that will change now, starting Tue October 25, 2011 I will be playing World of Warcraft again and catch up on what to blog about especially What's new in the community. Besides me getting excited about the new upcoming expansion the Mist of the Pandaren, I am also excited of the new class...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Amerence is Taking a Break!

Hi guys, I know it's been 3weeks that I haven't got a chance to post anything here besides joining any Shared topic I find interesting to share to you. But Lately, I just been really busy with my full-time job now, unlike before that I only work part-time and mostly I can post daily. Anyway, besides being so busy at work, I am also trying to lose weight, exercise and this...