Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I am back in playing WoW and Blogging again..

For all those who have known me in the community, Just want to say that I am back playing World of Warcraft since 3 weeks ago. I just want to let my readers/followers on this site despite my long absence. That I want you guys to know that you can follow me again on my current blog over at AmerPriest Blog. This blog will remain only for community memes, events and such...

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Happy Holidays Everyone!

May all the season bright, full of love, joy and happiness to each and everyone of you, Have a blessed upcoming year of 2015. Thanks for continued support, and Thank you for all the experience for this past year. Take care guys and Have a wonderful day! Please refer to my other blog for a proposal to list your Top 10 new years resolution. Happy blogging and commenting!...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! This year we didn't host a Thanksgiving Event from Blog Azeroth we apologized about that. We will most likely resume the event for next year. But in behalf of Blog Azeroth and the World of Warcraft Community, We wish everyone safety and Thank you for continued support all this year. Enjoy your day! and Have fun! God Bless always from me to...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Shared Topic: What In WoW reminds me of Home?

Hi guys, Sorry i posted mine before the day expired.. the Bi-weekly Shared topic @BlogAzeroth was brought to you by Syrco Owl. This topic is fun, but the idea was similar to the one I already posted before on the 20 days challenge so much that its about same concept, but It was more specified towards whats my favorite spot in game.  Anyway, That being said....

Monday, July 7, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: Boosted Toon

Haha! Better late than never? Well, I will just make this short post...My thoughts on this Shared Topic is about the Boosted toon, I used my free one and boosted my Troll druid and i had fun playing with her also one reason for that is to be able to raid with my co bloggers around the community on horde side with OLRG group that runs every Saturday, lately i have not been...

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: Interface and Addons

Hi guys, Today is the deadline of the bi-weekly Shared Topic Idea brought to you by yourstruly over at Blog Azeroth. I thought about this topic since I was curious what Interface you guys have or addons you use that is beneficial to your own play style either you are a raider, pvper, or soloing.  Glad to check out Velgana and Andre on there thoughts on this topic...

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Happy 3 years of Blogging Amer!

I can't believed it! that It's been that long, 3 years?! O.M.G! haha...Days passed, and Years gone by Amerence Love WoW was just a tiny little blog who doesn't even know anyone in the community and doesn't know anything about blogging yet, But I survived! It's been 3 years since my very first post to Welcome the community to check out my blog. I started this...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: Timeless Isle

Hi folks! Just to let everyone know that our Blog Azeroth Shared Topic Ideas are now bi-weekly, so for those who still like to join this 2 weeks of fun topic, Timeless isle brought to you by yourstruly deadline is on April 12. Please join us and share your thoughts! As for my reply to this topic, I posted it on my other blog at AmerPriest Blog, I ttitled it "The...

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

#WoW30 Challenge for April 2014!

Well, Greetings adventurers! I just thought to share that there is another 30 days challenge going on around the community. I like to share that anyone can join the fun. This was originally posted at Tumblr by Meat Vendor's 30 days WoW Challenge a month ago. And anyone who did read this or saw it will be nice to share it to the community and its a really neat straight...

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Leibster Awards You and I!

“For those of you who do not know what this Liebster thing is all about: The Liebster Award is a small token of appreciation given to bloggers for doing what they do best and also a way for bloggers to learn about other bloggers. We are all connected in the great circle of… blogging!”- via MrandMrsWoW Surprise surprise! I love surprises, I know the Leibster Awards...

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: Questing with your alts!

HI guys, First of the shared topic ideas are now bi-weekly. We wanted to share the topics more to bloggers who like to share there thoughts as 1 week seems to be too short. So we like to invite bloggers out there to participate and have fun! You can also share any idea for us to talk about.  From week March 15-28, was contributed by Dragonray of Azerothian Life...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Shared Topic Idea: My Most Memorable Boss Kill

Hi guys, this shared topic idea was brought to you by dragonray of Azerothian Life, it seems like its been back and forth between me and her sharing topics every week lately, Please I do encourage all bloggers out there to join and share any topics you think we can discuss around the community, just please go to Blog Azeroth Forums for more info.  Anyway, this week's...